Riddle Me This And That
A devotion to the medium of comics, from the Bat-clad hero of the DC universe to the myriad of characters from Marvel and all inbetween. This is a place for all things nerdy, geeky, and comic-related.

“The world only makes sense if you force it to.”
An important quote from the inspiration behind this blog. To say that it is the sole goal would be lofty, and perhaps a little pretentious however. My aim is to give you bitesize bits of comic news you can read on your daily commute, a quick glance at some good information as you make your way through your everyday life.
Take A Look At What I've Written
It's Not Just DC Comics, However
The world of comic-borne heroes is more than just DC’s offerings. That’s why I write about other publishers’ offerings, including Marvel and 2000AD, to name but two examples.
But In The End, It Comes Back To The Batman...

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